Rumah Gareh is in the Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post!
You can read this great article here.
You can read this great article here.
An interview conducted by Sheau and Lay Sheng This is part one of a three-part interview conducted by O For Other editors Lay Sheng and Sheau with Welyne Jehom, a senior lecturer of anthropology, on Sunday, 6 October 2019. In this first part, we explore the significance of Pua Kumbu textiles for Iban women and …
The Sacred Journey showcases the remarkable silk ikat cloths produced by the Iban women weavers of Rumah Garie in Sarawak. The weavers practise a time-consuming tie-and-dye resist technique using natural ingredients to produce ceremonial blankets of exquisite beauty, and other contemporary products such as shawls and tailored clothes. Beyond displaying the finest examples of pua …